My pitch to JF Gonzalez for LampLight went like this:
You know how when us younger writers don’t know an important writer? And you rant about that, but then give a list of books and stories we need to read? That. I want that.
When he said yes, it changed things. LampLIght was no longer a dream, an idea that I talked about ‘one day.’ Jesus said yes, and the keel of the magazine was laid down. Upon that, I build the rest of the ship.
Those first four articles of Shadows in the Attic are fantastic, and perhaps a bit dangerous to your bank account. But there are so many great suggestions, stories, writers and words. So much great advice and mentoring from a great writer.
Get those articles now, all 4, for 5$. Read the past, keep it alive.
Get those issues and a subscription here to support the next 5 years of LampLight
LampLight is dedicated to JF Gonzalez, always.