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Mastheads and Sails

LampLight Volume 4
LampLight Volume 4

I spent the better part of two months doodling up designs for the logo of LampLight. I was trying to make a simple-to-draw lamp to sit in the corner of each cover as a logo for the magazine.

I’ve known Paula Snyder longer than is polite to say out loud. Needless to say, we still look fabulous.

I wrote Paula about my endeavors and asked if she could help, sending an (no doubt rambling) email about my idea for the lamp, what the mag was about, etc.

What Paula sent back was fantastic, elegant, and real. Naturally, it looked nothing like my scribbles or descriptions. This is why it looks good.

The LampLight masthead, and overall look of the covers, the outward visible part of the magazine is all due to Paula, and LampLight would not have been the same without them.

Don’t forget to subscribe, so you’ll never miss a great issue of LampLight! Subscriptions support both the magazine and the podcast.

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Drowning with Kevin Lucia

photo by Joanna Smith, Horrorfind, 2011
photo by Joanna Smith, Horrorfind, 2011

I had known Kevin Lucia for about ten minutes when I approached him about doing the first serial for LampLight.

We had met at Necon in 2011, and saw each other again at Horrorfind Weekend. It was June of 2012 when I sent an awkward email that I had re-written about fifteen times. I was making a magazine, it was going to be quiet horror, would he be interested in doing a serial novella to span the first volume.

Kevin said yes, saying he had a piece he had in mind that would be a great fit. And thus, And I Watered It With Tears (later to be republished as Drowned) came to find its home in LampLight. The characters and locations in Tears are woven into his Clifton Heights saga, which I cannot recommend enough.

Tears helped set the tone of LampLight and we would later make our first Radio Play based off this novella.

We had two more serial novellas, The Devoted by James A Moore, and Wilted Lilies by Kelli Owen. All three are fantastic.

In the end, quarterly release is too long in-between installments for a serial. We haven’t given up the idea, though–I think serials are a great means for story telling.

Kevin would return to LampLight for volume 4 & 5 with his Horror 101 series, taking us on a tour of the genre, past and present.

Listen to Drowned, the episode 1 of the LampLight Radio play, based on the novella by Kevin Lucia

Get all of volume 1, featuring And I Watered It With Tears by Kevin Lucia, for only 5$!

And don’t forget to subscribe, so you’ll never miss a great issue of LampLight! Subscriptions support both the magazine and the podcast (and maybe some crazy serial idea we have…).

(Guest appearance in this post by Lincoln Crisler, author of Queen and Other Stories)

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LampLight Volume 1 Re-release

June is birthday month here at Apokrupha. And this year is a milestone. June 2017 marks 5 years of publishing, and we’ve got quite a few things to celebrate. A new issue with a great line up; a new steampunk book; a new Radio Play episode; space dragons…

To mark the occasion, we are re-releasing all of volume 1 of LampLight. These first four issues of LampLight are where it all started.

AND. Get all four of them, thats 130,000 words of short fiction, interviews, a full novella by Kevin Lucia and the fantastic Shadows in the Attic series by J.F. Gonzalez… for just $5.

Get them here!

Already own all of these titles? The files are updated, so just re-download. Files from Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo and Nook will be updated soon.

And don’t forget to subscribe to LampLight to support another 5 years!