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LampLight Volume 3 Issue 1


Volume 3 of LampLight is here!LampLight_Vol3Iss1_Final 2

Our featured artist is Yvonne Navarro! She brings us a new tale, called “Drive-in Destiny.” Kelli Owen bring us the first part of her serial novella, “Wilted Lilies.” J.F. Gonzalez talks about the end of Weird Tales, the rise of comic books, Playboy and other ‘Slicks’ in this installment of Shadows in the Attic.

Featuring fiction from:

  • Gary Braunbeck
  • Sana Rafi
  • Nick Mamatas
  • Roh Morgon

Get it today in print, Kindle, Nook and more!

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LampLight Volume 2 Issue 4


Smashwords Amazon

June 2014 Our featured artist is Holly Newstein. She brings us a story called “Shadows and Light.” We talk to her about her work and collaborations. James A Moore brings us the final installment of his Jonathan Crowley story, The Devoted. J.F. Gonzalez talks to us about horror in the ’30’s and 40’s. Featuring fiction by

Colleen Jurkiewicz
Curtis James McConnell
Victor Cypert
Catherine Grant

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LampLight Volume 2 Issue 3


March 2014

Our featured artist is Mary SanGiovanni. She brings to us a new story entitled “The Mime”. Life has gotten more interesting for Jonathan Crowely in Part 3 of James A Moore’s serial novella, the Devoted. J.F. Gonzalez talks about Weird tales, both its history and influences in Shadows from the Attic.

We have fiction from

doung jai
Tim W Boiteau
Alethea Eason
Lucy A Snyder


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LampLight Volume 2 Issue 1 is Availible now!

Get LampLight Now!

Volume 2 of LampLight is here! Our featured artist is Norman Prentiss. AND starting with this issue, will be available in both ebook and PRINT.

Part One of “The Devoted” a serial novella by James A Moore, featuring Jonathan Crowley.

J.F. Gonzalez brings us part 2 of From the Stone Age to the Early Victorian Era, in 3000 Words, talking about the Conte Cruel.

Michael Knost brings us a story connected to his upcoming novel, Return of the Mothman. Fiction from Christopher Bleakley, Emma Whitehall, David Tallerman and M.R. Jordan

Get it TODAY from CreateSpace, and Amazon. eBook on Kindle and Smashwords! See for details and links!

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LampLight Volume I Issue III

The March issue of LampLight is here. Ronald Malfi joins us as the featured artist for issue 3. We talk to him about his writing styles and how his experiences have inspired his work. In our third installment of Shadows in the Attic, J.F. Gonzalez gives us a history of scary stories, taking us from pre-history through the Victorian age. Kevin Lucia brings us part 3 of his serial novella, And I Watered It With Tears.

Fiction from Matthew Warner, Sheri White, Dinos Kellis, and S. R. Mastrantone

For more information and links to where to purchase, go to:

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LampLight Volume I Issue II

December 2012

Issue 2 of LampLight has been published. Kelli Owen is our featured artist. In addition to her dark tale, we will talk with her about her craft and advice for new writers. We will hear more about our literary past from J.F. Gonzalez. Kevin Lucia brings us part 2 of his serial novella, And I Watered It, With Tears.

Fiction from: DJ Cockburn, Christopher Fryer, Christopher Kelly, Tim Lieber, and Jamie Lackey

For more information and links to where to purchase, go to: